At St. Patrick's, serving is a core value because it was a core value for Jesus. Jesus said he came to serve not to be served. He is our model, and he is the one who enables us to live out this calling. Our ministry teams provide a way for parishioners to serve and use their gifts and talents.
Altar ministers help make disciples of Jesus Christ by creating a reverent worship space through preparation of the altar for Holy Communion on Sundays and Holy Days.
Children's church teachers and assistants help make disciples of Jesus Christ by creating safe and sacred space in which children can meet with God through His word and in their response time.
The community team helps make disciples of Jesus Christ by fostering fellowship through the sharing of communal meals, community events, and serving our St. Patrick's family.
Encounter group leaders help make disciples of Jesus Christ by creating safe and sacred space in which children can meet with God through His word and their response time.
Facility ministers help make disciples of Jesus Christ by supporting other ministry teams in setting up, taking down, and cleaning up of the worship and discipleship space.
Lay leaders help make disciples of Jesus Christ by leading the church in God-honoring worship through the public reading of Scripture and administering the chalice during Communion.
The missions team helps make disciples of Jesus Christ by engaging the parish in opportunities to share the love of God with those in need and invite people into a relationship with Jesus.
The musicians and vocalists on our music team help make disciples of Jesus Christ by leading St. Patrick’s Anglican Church in vibrant worship through song.
Prayer ministers help make disciples of Jesus Christ by offering prayer both with and for people who are in need of healing of body, mind, and/or spirit.
Nursery teachers and assistants help make disciples by creating safe and sacred space for children ages newborn to 3 to experience the love of God through quality care and engaging play.
Technicians help make disciples of Jesus Christ by operating the sound and video equipment during worship services, ensuring those worshiping can fully engage.
Welcome table ministers help make disciples of Jesus Christ by warmly welcoming and acclimating guests as the first step in the process of incorporating people into the life of the parish.
Volunteers are invited to make a one-year commitment to serve on a ministry team, and each person is trained and supported in their service. We create a schedule quarterly to coordinate who serves when. Below is the fall calendar.
Palm Sunday April 13th at 4:30pm
Good Friday April 18th at 6:30pm
Saturday Easter Vigil April 19th at 6:00pm
Easter Sunday April 20th at 4:30